Vaccination and Testing Information
Last updated Friday 08/11/23
- Anyone can schedule a vaccination at or by calling 211 if they do not have access to a computer or need assistance registering. Please be patient, as vaccine supply is limited.
- Click here for the Indiana State COVID-19 Vaccination Dashboard
- Walgreens positivity tracker:
City of Bloomington COVID-19 Wastewater Monitoring
The City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) in cooperation with the Indiana Finance Authority is participating in a monitoring program which tests wastewater for coronavirus. From August through December of 2020, wastewater professionals from CBU collected samples three times each week at eight sites across Bloomington, including each of the two wastewater treatment plants. Throughout 2021 samples have been collected from the two wastewater treatment plants. Testing of those samples is conducted by multiple private, independent laboratories in an effort to gauge viral prevalence in the community. Learn more at
COVID-19 Cases
City of Bloomington Employee Cases by Department by Month
Distribution of City of Bloomington Employee Cases - Cumulative - March 2020 - present
Per Capita COVID Cases in Monroe County, Indiana and US
Monroe County Daily COVID Cases
Indiana Daily COVID Cases
United States Daily COVID Cases
Recover Forward Bloomington
Recover Forward Bloomington is a multi-year initiative to help our community rebound and thrive, moving toward more racial, economic, and climate justice as we do. The program has three phases, two of which have been funded as of January 1, 2021. For additional details see
COVID-19 Local Rapid Response Loans
Total Loans by Industry
Click the bars to see which businesses have received loans.